Double Degree - M.Sc. WASTE/M.Sc. MAUI

Interested in a Double Degree Program?

Double Master's Degree Program with MAUI (Meio Ambiente Urbano e Industrial, Urban and Industrial Environment) at the Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR) in Curitiba, Brazil.

Students of Double Degree at II M.Sc. WASTE International Symposium
Students of Double Degree at II M.Sc. WASTE International Symposium

Double M.Sc. Degree: WASTE + MAUI

Starting from winter term 2015/16 the University of Stuttgart (USTUTT) offers a Master’s Double Degree Program in cooperation with the MAUI Master’s Degree Program (Meio Ambiente Urbano e Industrial; Urban and Industrial Environment) at the Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR) in Curitiba, Brazil. 

Once you are an M.Sc. WASTE admitted student you are eligible to apply for the Double Degree. Feel free to check the details and procedures here.

Details and Procedures - Double Degree

Every year, five students will be provided with the opportunity to participate in the Master’s Double Degree Program. The first two semesters have to be completed at the home university. After that, students are eligible to continue their curriculum for the remaining two semesters at the partner university, including the master thesis. It is essential that both programs are completed in accordance with the respective local regulations (both examination regulations) and procedures.

In the end, the courses, examinations, and master thesis taken at UFPR will be fully recognized by the University of Stuttgart and replaced as equivalent to examinations taken in Germany.

After successful completion of both programs, students are awarded the Master’s Degree from UFPR and from USTUTT.

For thorough information regarding the course of study, please download the macroplan.

University of Stuttgart students interested in participating in the Master’s Double Degree Program have to be enrolled in the WASTE program. Students should submit the following documents until 15.03.

  • Application Form
  • CV (Europass)
  • Motivational Letter (in English): please explain shortly (max. 1 DIN A4 page) why you want to participate in the Master’s Double Degree Program
  • Bachelor’s Degree Certificate (copy)
  • Transcript of Passed Examination Results (Download from C@MPUS)

Interested students are asked to submit a full set of application documents to the WASTE Office.

The Admissions Committee of the WASTE program will do the selection of maximum five students. Until April 15th a list of the nominated students will be sent to UFPR. Courses in Curitiba start in the following winter term. Until then, students have to successfully complete 60 ECTS credits in Stuttgart otherwise the enrollment in Brazil is not possible.

In case of any questions regarding the double master's degree program, please ask the WASTE Office. The IZ offers as well some counseling appointments for students who would like to pursue a double degree. For further information, please visit the following link

What was your experience studying the M.Sc. Double Degree WASTE/MAUI

Marouane Merizak from Generation 2016 shares a bit of his experience studying the M.Sc. Double Degree WASTE/MAUI

Contact us

This image shows Lu Chen

Lu Chen


Course Manager M.Sc. WASTE

This image shows Janina Ulmer

Janina Ulmer


Course Manager M.Sc. WASTE and M.Sc. Energietechnik

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