Information for admitted students

Your first steps in the M.Sc. WASTE

Already got an admission to the M.Sc. WASTE? Here is what you need to know to start your journey

Pre-departure Information for admitted students

Preparing for Your Departure: A Guide from the International Office

Planning your departure can be a complex process. The International Office of the university has created this guide to assist you with the necessary organizational steps. We encourage you to review the information below thoroughly to ensure a smooth transition.

You can view the pre-departure information and other information and steps you need to carry out from the "step-by-step guide" from the International Office.

Accept Your Place: Acceptance Agreement Form

Congratulations on your offer! To secure your place, please complete and return the Acceptance Agreement Form as soon as possible. Submit the completed form to

Application form for acceptance of placement

Application for Exemption from German

Please download and complete the application form below. Submit the completed form to

Application form for exemption  from German

With our M.Sc. WASTE Welcoming Service, you are provided with holistic support to successfully managing the first steps in Germany. Our buddies (senior students of the M.Sc. Program WASTE) will be on hand with help and advice supporting you in completing the necessary formalities and finding your way around campus and the city.

If you are interested in participating in our Welcome Services, please return the filled form as soon as possible

 Welcoming Service Form.

The WASTE Welcome Services comprises of a threefold approach:

  1. Advise before arrival and Pick-up Service:
    Students will be contacted by their own Buddy before arriving in Germany and – if they arrive between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. – met at Stuttgart airport or railway station and taken to their accommodation.

  2. Formalities:
    The buddies also support the freshmen students in managing all the necessary formalities that come along with the enrollment process.

  3. Welcoming Event:
    This event is organized by the M.Sc. WASTE Office in close collaboration with the senior students of the M.Sc. WASTE to warmly welcome the freshmen students and to facilitate networking among students, lecturers, and the M.Sc. WASTE Office. 

For further information please contact the M.Sc. WASTE Office.


Enrollment Procedure

To use the various functionalities of the Campus Management Portal -  short C@MPUS, admitted students must complete the enrollment procedure first. 

Detailed information could be found on the above-mentioned link.

Health Insurance

Upon registration at the university, all students must demonstrate their proof of health insurance as prescribed by German law. As a student, you are eligible for statutory insurance at the lowest current monthly rate of about EUR 80 (for Non-EU citizens, older than 23 and with no child). This regulation does not apply to students who have spent more than 14 semesters studying at a German university or who are aged over 30. These students should contact Ms. Svenja Wübker from the office of International Affairs for information on private health insurance.

EU Citizens
As an EU citizen a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) from your insurance company in your home country is required. Take this card to a state health insurance company in Germany and have them issue an insurance certificate (Versicherungsbescheinigung), that is required for enrolling at the university. You will receive necessary medical treatment at the doctor's, dentist, or in a hospital. For prescriptions you will have to pay a fee between EUR 5 and EUR 10.

Non-EU Citizens
Non-EU students under 30 have to purchase a student health insurance at a state health insurance company. This insurance costs about EUR 80 per month and covers most medical and dental costs. An advantage of this insurance is that the cost of treatment is carried out directly between the doctor and the insurance company. For prescriptions you will have to pay a fee between EUR 5 and EUR 10.

Students over 30
If you are aged 30 or over you cannot be covered by statutory health insurance, we strongly advise you to take a private insurance as costs for medical care are very expensive in Germany. For more information please contact Ms. Svenja Wübker from the office of International Affairs.

Residence Permit


Visa / residence permit

EU citizens (e.g. Liechtenstein, Norway, Iceland, Switzerland)

Citizens of these countries are allowed to enter Germany with a valid passport or ID. No visa or residence permit is required.

Citizens of Australia, Brazil, Canada, Japan, USA and others (visit visa regulations of the Federal Foreign Office for more information)

Because of special visa regulation agreements, students from one of those countries do not require an entrance visa. Upon arrival in Stuttgart, students must register and apply for a residence permit (Aufenthaltserlaubnis) at the foreign registration office (Ausländerbehörde). In Stuttgart the relevant authority is:

Amt für öffentliche Ordnung
Ausländer- und Staatsangehörigkeitsrecht
Eberhardstraße 39, 70173 Stuttgart

The following documents must be provided:

  • Passport
  • Biometrical photo
  • Registration form (Anmeldung), filled and signed
  • Letter of Admission (Zulassungsbescheid) from the University of Stuttgart
  • Health insurance certificate
  • Proof of sufficient funds (can be a bank statement or a letter of award from the scholarship organisation)
  • EUR 50 handling charge (publicly funded scholarship holders - e.g. DAAD - are exempted from this charge)

Citizens of non-EU countries (apart from those mentioned above)

These students must apply for a student applicant visa or a student visa that has been issued by the German Embassy in their home country prior to departure. This should be done as early as possible because the processing time can be very long (up to six months). More information about entry visa for educational purposes can be found on the following websites:

Visa Applications
Auswärtiges Amt (Federal Foreign Office)
Ausländerbehörde Stuttgart (Foreign Registration Office)


Residence permit
The student visa is only valid for a short period of time (maximum of 3 months). Upon arrival in Stuttgart, students must apply for a residence permit (Aufenthaltserlaubnis) at the foreign registration office (Ausländerbehörde). In Stuttgart the relevant authority is:

Amt für öffentliche Ordnung
Ausländer- und Staatsangehörigkeitsrecht
Eberhardstraße 39, 70173 Stuttgart

The following documents must be provided:

  • Passport
  • Biometrical photo
  • Registration form (Anmeldung), filled and signed
  • Letter of Admission (Zulassungsbescheid) from the University of Stuttgart
  • Health insurance certificate
  • EUR 50 handling charge (publicly funded scholarship holders - e.g. DAAD - are exepmted from this charge)
M.Sc. WASTE Student Razan Alsharqawi at II International Symposium
M.Sc. WASTE Student Razan Alsharqawi at II International Symposium

Contact us

This image shows Lu Chen

Lu Chen


Course Manager M.Sc. WASTE

This image shows Janina Ulmer

Janina Ulmer


Course Manager M.Sc. WASTE and M.Sc. Energietechnik

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